WARNING [2] file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
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PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

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Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
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File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: preg_grep
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

Related kills & losses
Ship K L
POS Module 8 0
Ship K L
POS Small 1 0
9 kills.. ( 113.62 Million ISK )
0 losses.. ( 0 Million ISK )
Battle in 0NV-YU, V-2GYS, AI-EVH, F-MKH3, W-RFUO ( Great Wildlands ), 05-06-2013 ( 06:44 - 06:49 )
Friendly (9)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
Stump Dumper
N° 9
100.0 %
Creative Destruction
Hashashin Cartel
Aideron Rotineque
N° 9
100.0 %
International Space Pimps
Hashashin Cartel
N° 9
100.0 %
Creative Destruction
Hashashin Cartel
N° 9
100.0 %
Operation Neo-Tokyo
Hashashin Cartel
Xanatos Kion
N° 9
100.0 %
International Space Pimps
Hashashin Cartel
N° 9
100.0 %
Organic Fruit Corporation
Hashashin Cartel
Vindictive Kodiak
N° 9
100.0 %
Hashashin Cartel
N° 9
100.0 %
Hashashin Cartel
Tyrell Jackson
N° 9
100.0 %
International Space Pimps
Hashashin Cartel
Hostile (2)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Amarr Control Tower Small
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Small Pulse Laser Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Small Beam Laser Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Energy Neutralizing Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Warp Scrambling Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Sensor Dampening Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Medium Beam Laser Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens
inCorporated FORces Corp. - W-RFUO VI - Moon 20
Small Pulse Laser Battery
N° 0
0 %
inCorporated FORces Corp.
Solar Citizens

Hashashin Cartel ©2014. HASH theme by A.M. [Velov]