WARNING [2] file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
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PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] file(http://www.suavemuthafuckaz.com/hash/themes/hash/haiku.hash): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: preg_grep
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/mods/fleet_battles_mod/kill_related.php, line: 1939, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 290, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

Related kills & losses
Ship K L
Battlecruiser 6 0
Battleship 1 0
Ship K L
Cruiser 11 3
Heavy Assault Cruiser 1 0
Ship K L
Logistics 2 0
22 kills.. ( 3.03 Billion ISK )
3 losses.. ( 0.34 Billion ISK )
Battle in Siseide, Jel, Odette, Ation, Aliette, Aurcel, Egghelende ( Heimatar, Sinq Laison ), 19-06-2014 ( 03:35 - 04:26 )
Friendly (17)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
N° 1
4.5 %
The Ghosts of Deep Space
Ghosts of Deep Space
N° 2
9.1 %
Caldari Provisions
outcast 13
Omen Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
The Ghosts of Deep Space
Ghosts of Deep Space
Drew Thortan
Stabber Fleet Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
The Ghosts of Deep Space
Ghosts of Deep Space
Bjeloglavi Sup
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Cap'n Shark
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
The Big Coffin Hunters
Ghosts of Deep Space
Jin Hadah
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 1
4.5 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Smeller B
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Vexor Navy Issue
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Erik Sinulf
N° 2
9.1 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
N° 1
4.5 %
191st Task Group
The Ditanian Alliance
Doylene Vigora
N° 1
4.5 %
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Minmatar Sentry Gun
N° 1
4.5 %
Minmatar Republic
Liuni Kalthis
N° 1
4.5 %
Scope Works
Gen Kill
N° 2
9.1 %
Oblivions Angels
Hashashin Cartel
Hostile (2)

Pilot/Ship/Kills Corp/Alliance
N° 0
0.0 %
191st Task Group
The Ditanian Alliance
Lowjack Tzetsu
N° 0
0.0 %
Warped Intentions

Hashashin Cartel ©2014. HASH theme by A.M. [Velov]