WARNING [2] file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1372, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] file(http://www.suavemuthafuckaz.com/hash/themes/hash/haiku.hash): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1372, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
Error on line 131 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/daee3c35e4067375b8fd7fee0d433e1af9acff1b.file.index.tpl.php, line: 131, function: preg_grep
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.page.php, line: 190, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1372, class: Page, function: generate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

Kill details
victim Victim: Suyer
Corp: Broski North
Alliance: Black Legion.
WARNING [2] file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
Error on line 54 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 54, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] file(http://www.suavemuthafuckaz.com/hash/themes/hash/haiku.hash): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found
Error on line 54 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 54, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
Error on line 54 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 54, function: preg_grep
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0
Error on line 62 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 62, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] file(http://www.suavemuthafuckaz.com/hash/themes/hash/haiku.hash): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found
Error on line 62 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 62, function: file
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

WARNING [2] preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given
Error on line 62 in file /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php
PHP 5.6.40 (Linux), EDK (Rubicon 1.3)
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/cache/templates_c/hash/194f2b11ccd1c57292665b28ced2a61f97f96f05.file.kill_detail_victim.tpl.php, line: 62, function: preg_grep
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 434, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php, line: 569, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: renderTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/smarty/Smarty.class.php, line: 338, class: Smarty_Internal_Template, function: getRenderedTemplate
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 701, class: Smarty, function: fetch
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 70, function: call_user_func_array
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/includes/class.pageassembly.php, line: 37, class: pageAssembly, function: call
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/kill_detail.php, line: 1364, class: pageAssembly, function: assemble
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/common/index.php, line: 294, function: include
File: /home/hezebf3swjis/public_html/smf/hash/index.php, line: 27, function: include

Involved parties: 50
Manticore (Covert Ops)
Shrapnel Bomb
Damage done:2718 (23.41%)
Hounds of War.
Hashashin Cartel
Hound (Covert Ops)
Shrapnel Bomb
Damage done:2449 (21.10%)
Goonswarm Federation
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1224 (10.54%)
Goonswarm Federation
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1175 (10.12%)
Goonswarm Federation
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1079 (9.29%)
Minmatar Citizen 19475
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
Loki (Strategic Cruiser)
Damage done:877 (7.55%)
Goonswarm Federation
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:680 (5.86%)
Goonswarm Federation
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:680 (5.86%)
Wrecking Shots
Black Legion.
Capsule (Capsule)
Damage done:297 (2.56%)
Irak Anstian
Hoover Inc.
Black Legion.
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Damage done:189 (1.63%)
Black Legion.
Damage done:114 (0.98%)
Dirty Old Bastards
Nulli Secunda
Proteus (Strategic Cruiser)
250mm Railgun II
Damage done:90 (0.78%)
Black Legion.
Capsule (Capsule)
Damage done:18 (0.16%)
Farrell Jay
Hoover Inc.
Black Legion.
Damage done:10 (0.09%)
Helios Black
Black Legion.
Capsule (Capsule)
Damage done:9 (0.08%)
Aquious Horizon
Grim Determination
Nulli Secunda
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Joseph Boeing
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Ever Flow
Northern Coalition.
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
CB Slave
Body Count Inc.
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Fighter Garrison
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
GK inc.
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
My Capital Alt
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Karmic Phoenix
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Kev Lar
Perpetua Umbra
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate
Manticore (Covert Ops)
125mm Gatling AutoCannon II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Manfred Sideous
North Eastern Swat
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Max Paynne
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Miss Emopants
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Martian Force
North Eastern Swat
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
GK inc.
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Sarah Bristow
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Rots Mijnwerker
Hounds Of War
WHY so Seri0Us
Sleipnir (Command Ship)
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Sum Nocte
North Eastern Swat
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Shaka Duergah
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Shmuel Astucius
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Summer Finn
Ever Flow
Northern Coalition.
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Scottie Dooh
Ever Flow
Northern Coalition.
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Twisted Girl
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Wil Aers
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Pandemic Legion
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
space trucker1041
Tactical Soldiers
Nulli Secunda
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Grim Determination
Nulli Secunda
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
Ka'lorn Font'a
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Ship: Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Location: FR-B1H (0.0)
Date: 2013-10-23 04:04:00
Total loss at time of kill: 133,053,000
Swallowed: 11,609
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge
Large Shield Extender II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Republic Fleet EMP M
Republic Fleet EMP M
Republic Fleet EMP M
Republic Fleet EMP M
Republic Fleet EMP M
Kill not verified
Ship details
Fitted - High slot Fitted - High slot Current Value
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 10 6.22 K
720mm Howitzer Artillery II 720mm Howitzer Artillery II 2 2.90 M
Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge 1 17.50 K
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 9 5.60 K
720mm Howitzer Artillery II 720mm Howitzer Artillery II 3 4.35 M
Fitted - Mid slot Fitted - Mid slot Current Value
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I 1 55.10 K
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 1 996.00 K
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 1 1.85 M
Fitted - Low slot Fitted - Low slot Current Value
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 2 1.59 M
Tracking Enhancer II Tracking Enhancer II 2 1.47 M
Damage Control II Damage Control II 1 639.39 K
Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II 1 794.00 K
Fitted - Rig slot Fitted - Rig slot Current Value
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I 2 5.15 M
Cargo Bay Cargo Bay Current Value
Warp Scrambler II Warp Scrambler II 1 1.23 M
Nanite Repair Paste Nanite Repair Paste 124 2.00 M
Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb 1 198.49 M
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M 778 481.58 K
Tremor M Tremor M 1000 295.00 K
Republic Fleet Fusion M Republic Fleet Fusion M 440 267.52 K
Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium M Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium M 973 793.97 K
Republic Fleet EMP M Republic Fleet EMP M 715 444.73 K
Quake M Quake M 1000 409.00 K
Total module loss:
Total module drop:
Ship loss:
Total loss at current prices: 362,242,743.00
Hashashin Cartel ©2014. HASH theme by A.M. [Velov]