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Item details - Triage Module II
Triage Module II
An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a carrier's defenses and logistical abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the triage module diverts energy from the ship's propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its defensive and logistical capabilities.

This results in a great increase in the carrier's ability to provide aid to members of its fleet, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Due to the ionic flux created by the triage module, remote effects like warp scrambling et al. will not affect the ship while in triage mode.

This also means that friendly remote effects will not work while in triage mode either. The flux only disrupts incoming effects, however, meaning the carrier can still provide aid to its cohorts. Sensor strength and targeting capabilities are also significantly boosted. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship, nor is the carrier able to dock until out of triage mode. Finally, any drones or fighters currently in space will be abandoned when the module is activated.

Note: A triage module requires Strontium Clathrates to run and operate effectively. Only one triage module can be run at any given time, so fitting more than one has no practical use. The remote repair module bonuses are only applied to capital sized modules. The amount of shield boosting gained from the Triage Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship.

This module can only be fit on Carriers.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1 kg
Volume 4000 m3
Baseprice 52,609,700 ISK
Shield Transport Amount Bonus 100 %
Shield Transport Duration Bonus -50 %
Remote Armor Repair Duration Bonus -50 %
Remote Armor Repair Bonus 100 %
disallowEarlyDeactivation 1
Shield Boost Duration Bonus -50 %
Armor Repair Duration Bonus -50 %
Armor Repair Bonus 100 %
EW Capacitor Need Bonus 9999900 %
Max Active Drone Modifier -100 %
Remote Hull Repair Bonus 100 %
Capacitor need reduction for remote assistance modules -20 %
Max Modules Of This Group Allowed 1
Mass multiplier 10 x
Can be fitted to Carrier
Disallow Activation In Warp 1 1=True 0=False
Energy Transfer Duration Bonus -50 %
Energy Transfer Bonus 100 %
Remote Hull Repair Duration Bonus -50 %
disallowOffensiveModifiers 1
Disallows Assistance 1 1=True 0=False
Primary Skill required Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration
Speed Bonus 0 m/sec
Activation time / duration 300000 s
CPU usage 110 tf
powergrid usage 105000 MW
Max Velocity Bonus -100 %
Structure Hitpoints 99999 HP
activation cost 0 GJ
Max Locked Targets Bonus 5 +
Targeting Range Bonus 1.2 %
requiredSkill1Level 5
siegeModeWarpStatus 100
maxGroupActive 1
Consumption Quantity 200 units
Consumption Type Strontium Clathrates
Meta Level 5 Level
Scan Resolution Bonus 10 %
Shield Boost Bonus 100 %
Tech Level 2 Level
Hashashin Cartel ©2014. HASH theme by A.M. [Velov]